Health And Safety Policy

Edwards Recycling is committed to operating all our activities with the health and safety of our employees, contractors, visitors and customers of paramount importance. We will comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act, and other relevant legislation, and with industry guidance on good practice.

It is the policy of Edwards Recycling to ensure we regularly assess and continually improve our operating practices with respect to the impact on the health and safety of our employees, contractors, visitors and customers, and their impact on the environment.

As Company Directors, we are responsible for ensuring that all operating practices are maintained, monitored and improved in accordance with this Policy and the relevant legislation.

Our health and safety objectives are to:

  • Provide all employees with appropriate information, instruction and training with regards to individual health and safety, but also highlight their responsibilities to the welfare and supervision of others.
  • Document and update risk assessments of all our business activities and equipment.
  • Inform all employees and contractors on their health and safety responsibilities, their potential impacts and the main hazards within their areas of work.
  • Provide emergency instructions for accidents and dangerous occurrences and ensure employees are familiar and comply with customer and client site rules and instructions.
  • Monitor and report on accidents and incidents regarding health and safety and communicate pertinent issues to all employees and clients.
  • Ensure employees are not exposed to unsafe working conditions or are involved with unsafe working practices.
  • Review and revise this Policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Approved on the 21st February 2025
Managing Director Operations Director

020 8507 2277


Edwards Recycling
Thames Road, Barking
Essex, IG11 0JD
Copyright © 2011